jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010


The ant is a small himenóptero insect of the tropical and temperate zones that correspond to 3500 formícidos species of the family. All the well-known ants are sociable; they live more in colonies, that can be composed by a few individuals, like in the tribe ponerinos, or by very many of them, up to 100 000 or, as it is the case of the red ant (Formic rufa). They are recognizable by his " cintura" , formed by a close segment, or segments, between the thorax and the abdomen. The females and the males are winged when they leave the nest, but later lose the wings. The winged ants, that fly slowly formed great clouds at certain times of the year, are not a different species, but the reproductive members of the colonies that leave the nest to  be developed. They are clearly polymorphic insects, with differences between workers, males and females. The males of all the species, enough similarities, have wings, eyes good developed and long antennas.

-Eyleen Garcia #14

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